Saturday, 23 February 2013

To this day...

In our house we still commemorate a classic Ian Brown moment in history by (probably sic) quoting "I'll chop yer fuckin' 'ands off" in a scally accent. There's a variety of occasions where this gem can be used, but my favourite is under your breath, directed at the kids whilst requesting they improve their behaviour.

Ian Brown's alleged threat was pre 911, yet it was still taken seriously, not just laughed at for how outrageous it was. Were they actually concerned he was going to carry out this task? With his in-flight cutlery?

Things have moved on since. We now have Twitter, where the fact you've written it means it's a contract bound by law and the feds can get all Judge Dredd on yo ass.

The progressive move into deeper political correctness and, basically, censorship of free speech, has resulted in people who don't "like" something actually having the power to waste countless working hours of lawyers' clerks. And I'm pretty sure that's bad for all of us; rats and sinking ships and stuff.

For a long time now, I've thought a test case may arise where some ambulance-chaser-fueled, perpetually frowning individual would actually be told to "fuck off and get a life". This would lead to an exponential reversal of mindset, and no longer would the claimers be entitled to any of their 100% of the compensation.

This hasn't happened.

And that makes me want to complain.

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